Embark on a transformative journey at Resilient Earth, an unprecedented collaboration between Science Gallery Atlanta at Emory University and Accenture. This immersive exhibit is not just about showcasing sustainability; it’s about empowering you to recognize your existing contributions to the health of our planet while discovering your own path forward toward a more resilient future.
By fostering conversations and providing space for self-reflection, Resilient Earth helps you define your own “resilience identity” – a unique combination of values, actions and commitments that support the future of our planet. Whether it’s through your traditions, values, community, or passions, you will explore, acknowledge and share your own role in building a more sustainable future for our planet.
This exhibition was made possible with through the generous support of The Senior Vice President for Research’s Office at Emory University, the Cordover Family Foundation, and Accenture.
Explore the Exhibits
Curatorial Panel
Exhibition Design Team
Shibui Design, LLC, was founded in 2005 in Atlanta, Georgia, by principal John P. Williams. A veteran exhibit designer with more than 25 years’ of professional experience, John created his own firm after working as an exhibit designer in both large and small design/fabrication companies doing museum and trade show work around the world. By choice, he created a small, nimble organization to focus on design excellence and efficiency, powered by a select core of professionals who share his commitment to quality and client satisfaction.
John Williams - Founder, Principal, & Senior Exhibit Designer
Michael Dubois - Design Director
Accenture Collaboration Team
Tiffani Nevels - Managing Director, Global IT – Sustainability
Dr. Oliver Pattenden - Global Research and Insight Director, Accenture Song Sustainability
Rachel O’Reilly - Global Research and Insight Lead, Accenture Song Sustainability