Our Human Moment - Sponsored by Accenture

Dr. Oliver Pattenden and Rachel O’Reilly

Our Human Moment is a multi-year, multi-method study that explores how people and organizations can make positive change in the world, revealing opportunities to make sustainability more relevant to everyone. The study was designed to break the mold of existing sustainability research by not starting with ‘sustainability’ at all and bringing in diverse perspectives from across the world that are too often missed out from traditional sustainability research and thinking. The work has been celebrated at events such as Davos, United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP), Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and Cannes and has been used by commercial and government organizations working at the heart of the sustainability transition.


This exhibit was made possible by the support of Patrick Moore, Mark Curtis, and Tiffani Nevels from Accenture, who provided account, program support, and sponsorship. Special thanks to Isabel Campa for Visual Design, Gabriela Triffiletti for Concept Design, and Mary Catherine Fixel for serving as the regional sponsor.

About the Team

Dr. Oliver Pattenden is an anthropologist who defines cultural, innovation, sustainability and ethical opportunities for companies,  charities, and governments by decoding human experiences, values and behaviors. Publishing on creative methodologies, research ethics and the anthropology of ethics, his work is rooted in an  ethnographic understanding of cultural change.  His first book, entitled Taking Care of the Future: Moral Education and British Humanitarianism in South Africa, is  published by Palgrave MacMillan. After nearly two decades working across environmentalism, CSR, sustainable development, education, and creativity,  Oliver now leads a global, interdisciplinary Strategic Human Insight capability that enables organizations to  reconceptualize their relationships with people and sustainability. The core output of this work is called Our Human Moment, which identified Six Entryways that help people and  companies find more impactful, diverse and accessible routes to sustainable action. These Entryways appear across the  Resilient Earth exhibition. 

Rachel O’Reilly is a human insights specialist who amplifies human stories to help the world’s most iconic brands to create a more  positive impact on people and the planet. Rachel’s academic background is in ethnomusicology, which preceded a career in design research. She also works in  creative direction to communicate complex topics to diverse audiences. Recently, Rachel has developed an interest in therapeutic research, focusing on projects that grapple with controversial  topics where marginalized voices are underrepresented. To support this, she is completing her CPCAB Diploma in  Psychotherapeutic Counselling. Rachel is currently the lead of an Interdisciplinary Strategic Human Insight capability that enables organizations to  reconceptualize their relationships with people and sustainability. The core output of this work is called Our Human  Moment, which identified Six Entryways that help people and companies find more impactful, diverse and accessible  routes to sustainable action. These Entryways appear across the Resilient Earth exhibition.