Educational Visits

Join us for an exciting field trip experience at Science Gallery Atlanta! Each field trip experience combines the content from Resilient Earth with our mission - to collide science and art and inspire your students. We currently offer Mediator-led tours and workshop-style experiences for grades 4 - 12. Each experience is aligned with Georgia Standards of Excellence and offers a hands-on approach to excite students and ignite curiosity.

Mediator - Led Tours (All Ages)

Price - $10/student
Time - 90 minutes
Minimum of 10 students

Our Mediators will lead students through the Resilient Earth exhibition, focusing their conversations and questions on the chosen topic and age level. Mediators will guide students through conversation and invite them to share thoughts as they travel through the exhibition. There will also be a demonstration to help connect the exhibition pieces to scientific concepts that students learn in the classroom. At the end, students will create a pledge of action that educators can take back with them to their classrooms. Choose one of the following:

  • Explore the connections in Resilient Earth to the natural cycles, including carbon and water. How do humans play a role in these cycles?

    • GSE Elementary Standards: S4E4, S5P1

    • Middle School: S6E3c, S6E6b

    • High School: SB5, SEV1c, SEV2b, SEV4

  • Find out how the Earth is truly connected - from humans, plants and animals, and our non-living factors, everything we do has an impact. Through Resilient Earth, we create a positive way to view these impacts and to understand how to be the best stewards in this world.

    • GSE Elementary Standards: S4L1

    • Middle School: S7L4a

    • High School: SB5, SEV2d, SEV4


SGA Studio: Climate Creativity (Grades 4 - 8)

Price - $12/student
Time - 90 minutes
Minimum of 10 students

Get ready! Students will embark on a specialized tour, journeying through two exciting stations focused on science and art while discovering their role in climate change action. They'll leave inspired and armed with a personal action they can take home! All experiences are standards-based and tailored to fit your needs.

  • Explore how humans are an integral part of​ the different biogeochemical cycle and how even small steps​ can reduce our impact. GSE Standards: S4E4, S5P1. S6E6b, S6E6c, MA8.CN.1

  • ​What’s the ‘S’ word all about? Learn all things​ sustainability and create a plan to take action​ at home and school. GSE Standards: S6E6b, S7L4c, MA8.CN.1

  • Get a little closer to nature and see how​ much we are all connected! Through these​ stations, find ways to be a part of your local​ ecosystem, and bring a friend too. GSE Standards: S4L1, S7L4a, S7L4c, MA8.CN.1


SGA Studio: Climate Exploration (Grades 6 - 9)

Price - $15/student
Time - 2 hours
Minimum of 10 students

Get ready for an exciting journey! Our program kicks off with an engaging tour of the Resilient Earth exhibition. During the tour, students will explore the general theme of climate change and then complete a problem-based workshop to address a regional climate change issue.

  • Are humans a part of​ natural ecosystems? YES! Explore how to be​ a more conscious part of your local​ ecosystem at your school! GSE Standards: Middle School: S6E4d, S7L4a High School: SB5a,c, SEV4

  • Climate change creates​ unique challenges in urban environments.​ Explore how to address the specific urban​ climate needs for your school. GSE Standards Middle School: S6E6b, S7L4c High School: SB5d, SEV5d, SEV4

  • Experience how equity exists in​ climate solutions, and then try to create your​nown equitable solution for your school. GSE Standards: Middle School: S6E6c, S7L4a High School: SB5d, SEV4, SEV5d​


SGA Studio: Climate Design (Grades 9 - 12)

Price - $15/student
Time - 2 hours
Minimum of 10 students

Embark on a climate change adventure through our Resilient Earth exhibition. Take a tour with a mediator and then focus on a specific exhibit piece. Through this problem-based workshop, your students will help design a climate change solution to address a specific problem.

  • A deep exploration of the interconnectedness of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles; explore this carbon capture model that uses algae to purify water AND pull carbon from the atmosphere. Get creative and design a carbon capture model with your students. GSE Standards: SB5 SEV1, SEV2b, SEV4

  • Drastic climate measures call for drastic urban planning. How will cities look in the future? Who will benefit from climate innovations? Design a sustainable, equitable blueprint for your sustainable city. GSE standards: SB5, SEV4, SEV5

  • Explore current health effects migrant farmers face due to climate change and a possible geo-engineered solution to address our warming Earth. How can we change natural processes to preserve our future? GSE Standards: SB5, SEV1c, SEV4.



To prepare for your field trip, here is some helpful information to get you started. We require 2 weeks’ notice for all school groups. This allows us to properly staff and support your program so it’s the best it can be.

  • We are available for field trips Monday - Friday.  Monday and Tuesday, we are closed to the public, so this is a private time for field trip experiences. We will also offer times Wednesday - Friday, but be aware that we are open to the public at 11 AM. We cannot guarantee that these experiences will be private after 11 AM, but we will provide the same amount of care and attention to your student group. Please allow 30 minutes before and after your time to allow for travel and restroom breaks accordingly. We will meet with you 15 minutes before the experience to introduce ourselves and go over expectations.

  • We require that your group has one chaperone for every 10 students arriving. Required chaperones get in free, each additional will pay the field trip admission cost. Chaperones will be instrumental to our success, so we do expect that they are actively participating and supporting

  • Please share your plans for transportation and if you plan on having lunch in the space. Since we are a part of the overall mall, we aim to be respectful of all mall visitors' space, so please communicate any needs to lunch or snacks in the space so we can communicate with the mall staff appropriately. For consideration, the mall atrium can hold approximately 50 patrons, which also includes the public.

  • Please allow 1-2 business days for someone to contact you about your request, and then we can go over specifics. At this time, we will also email you information about transportation and arrival, photo releases, and any additional information you may need for the day.

  • If your field trip request falls out of the group size or interests of the workshop-style field trip, we will work to accommodate your needs. Please email Caitlin Hochuli ( for any special requests or questions about what we can offer in the space. We want to ensure that you and your students have the best experience!