Floating Climatopias: Futuristic Designs for Flood-Resilient Settlements

Across the globe, an estimated 1 billion people reside along coastlines, with many facing escalating challenges such as erosion, flooding, and sea level rise. Consequently, several nations are committing substantial financial investments to floating climatopias, positioning them as a novel frontier for adaptation, development, and climate resilience. Led by Jola Ajibade, a faculty member at Emory University, the Floating Climatopias exhibit will showcase an artistic representation of floating imaginaries from various regions worldwide, inviting guests to participate in a public dialogue regarding the feasibility, environmental impacts, and equity implications of these innovative solutions. Dr. Jola Ajibade is an Associate Professor and a scholar-activist in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Emory University. She explores how cities are adapting and transforming as a result of climatic impacts and extreme events by embracing practices such as managed retreat programs, constructions of climatopias, tree-planting, city revitalization programs, renewable energy projects, and blue-green infrastructure.