A Successful Opening: Resilient Earth Unveiled
In September, we launched the Resilient Earth Season with an exciting kick-off event! This momentous occasion featured distinguished speakers, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and an exclusive exhibition preview, bringing together community members, partners, and advocates who share our mission of blending art and science for everyone.
We were honored to have Tucker's Mayor, Frank Auman, in attendance, alongside prominent leaders such as Deborah Bruner, Emory University’s Senior Vice President for Research and Science Gallery Executive Sponsor; M. Daniele Fallin, Dean of the Rollins School of Public Health; Alexis R. Faust, Executive Director of Science Gallery; and our valued partner representatives, including Jeff Cordover of the Cordover Foundation and Rachel O'Reilley of Accenture. We invite you to browse through these photos, capturing the spirit and excitement of a memorable evening that marked the start of our journey in this inspiring new home!